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IG unit FYI

Guest metint

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Check with your film supplier to see what their position is on this process... Looks as though it uses holes that may create weak points in the glass and depending on film type... may lead to glass breakage.

CPF's position is that it should not be used as an alternate to replacing a fail IG unit and will not extend glass and seal failure warranty to any window subjected to this process.

Or check with the poster below since he has so much to contribute... :barf


He is just informing those who use CPfilms products that this type of fix is unacceptable and wont be covered.

So those that might be thinking of this kind of fix he is letting them know that it wont be covered. So maybe you dont care but you are not the only one here now are you.


I h@te dealing with glass so my interest is well, not there. And dayum!, 50 G buyin maybe ill see you there :beach


yea no doubt, plus I would imagine you would have to remove the pane to get ride of the moisture and then you run a risk of breaking the window when trying to remove it. I dont see how you would be able to do it without removing the window from the pane and then it has to be resealed. And how would you get all the stains off without seperating the panes and cleaning them.

Smells kinda fishy, like TINT

Who cares? :beach


some people like to be informed about the industry that feed them. who knows even you might learn something.


actually willies right again. sometimes its just not worth it.

thanks for the info metint

Guest vclimber

100,000 IGUs cured across North America."

Have not seen one yet. I've had customers who drilled holes in their glass to solve that problem. No waranty for them! Like ME said, it creates a weak spot.


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