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Aight guys, another n00b needs help...

Guest chad3113

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Guest chad3113

Well I'm just starting in the tint industry, and I need some advice from you veterans. On the back window of a car, I keep reading about the butt-seam method where you cut along the defroster line. I'm confused as to what this exactly means. Do you cut right above the defroster line, or do you cut in the center of the defroster line. I would think that if you cut in the center of the defroster line it would cause damage, but if you cut above the defroster line it would allow light to come through. So could some1 clear this up for me please? Also, wheres the cheapest place to purchase lifetime tint? I don't want any of the cheap stuff, I like doing things only once. Thanks fellas.

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Welcome Chad :spit

If you are doing a butt seam, you should cut on the upper edge of the defogger line. You are right about cutting in the middle of it, that will more than likely cause that line not to work.

Are you just tinting your own car, or are you learning the trade?

If you are tinting your own car, save yourself some grief and have a professional do the work. :lol2

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Welcome Chad :spit

If you are doing a butt seam, you should cut on the upper edge of the defogger line. You are right about cutting in the middle of it, that will more than likely cause that line not to work.

Are you just tinting your own car, or are you learning the trade?

If you are tinting your own car, save yourself some grief and have a professional do the work. :lol2


BOOO YAHHH!! :lol2

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if your just starting out you should not butt the seam method...start out doingone piece back windows as if you learn that way you wont have to learn two methods.. I use to do all my back glasses with mulitipal pieces and got great at doing seams...it was harder I think for me to practice learning the dry shrinking methods because I didnt want to learning something new...so waste your film now and learn one piecing them

call the manufactures solar gard ,,, sun tek....lumar ....3m ....oh and if you use sun tek let me know so I can tell them I refered you.....

and cut blow the defroster line to show the least light gap....if you do seams

good luck and where are you from...state

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Welcome Chad :spit

If you are doing a butt seam, you should cut on the upper edge of the defogger line. You are right about cutting in the middle of it, that will more than likely cause that line not to work.


I liked cutting the lower..........hmmmmm

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Guest chad3113

Thanks guys, you respond fast as hell. I'm from Louisiana, and plan on learning to tint to make some extra cash. I'd like to do 2-3 cars a week once I've practiced on all my relatives (poor b@stards). I attend LSU so I'm thinking that the market should be pretty good up here with so many young college students.

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Guest chad3113

Oh trust me I know it can't be as easy as it looks. I used to cut grass for a living (before Katrina F'd everything up) and when I first started I thought "hah how hard can this be, I cut my grass, this should be cake". That was a mistake. I soon realized that even the simplest trade has certain things that you must learn first hand through practice. But I like challenges, so I figured I'd give tinting a shot.

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Guest MidcoastMW

welcome man. I started tinting back in august of 05. About a year prior too that I went to auto-zone, bought some GILA and tried to tint a 93 SPAM wagon. I had never been to this site, and knew NUTHIN about tinting. Well, I got the car done, it looked like ass, and I was very discouraged.

Then over the summer I had the urge to start again, and finding this site was the best tool EVER for learning.

I will tell you, its going to take ALOT of time to learn......you are going to need some tools, and your going to need a place to do it where no-one will bother you for hours on end, because thats what kinda time its going to take if your goal is to churn out quality work.

Also, be prepared to waste ALOT of tint. As you watch your $$$ burn, singe, and crease......dont get discouraged, just keep tryin.

I too, recommend learning to shrink 1 peice back windows as you start out.

you may wanna buy a roll of cheap no-name tint of e-gay to practice with. Your not gonna wanna waste the more expensive stuff from the big-dogz, and just sttay away from the GILA...please...

Good luck man! :beach

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