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Guest Circuscircusss

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Guest Circuscircusss

the names circus. im 18 and ive always wanted to pick up window tinting. ive so far bought myself a red turbo, olfa silver (with lock), spare blades, gold teflon card, white and black teflon cards, simple green spray, fine wool, shop towels. im pretty set on learning the trade of window tinting and opening up my own shop. if you guys can offer me any advice, tips or just general tint knowledge you can aim me at "circuscircusss"

thanks & peace,


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well there is all the information you need here on the site, it will take you a while to get to the point where you can have your own shop but determination and persistance will help in your journeys.

Use the search option to find any of the information you need.

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Guest tintgod

yeah..start reading bud...and welcome to the site :lol

be grateful that you have a site like this...that you can refer to...us old timers didnt have it so easy..we had to learn everything we know by trial and error

some ppl have the skill to tint and some dont..so...do some reading and apply some of the things that you can learn here...and maybe in about 5 years...you may be ready to open up a shop..and maybe not :lol

you are not going to learn this trade by just going out and getting the tools to tint...it take along time to be good enough to start charging ppl and to do good quality work

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Guest nautiboi73

sup :lol6

Oh an keep in mind, that being a good tinter is different than being a good business man (owner). So onwership is a whole other Trad , Skill in itself.


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Guest Circuscircusss

I understand that. matter fact I feel I have more of a business man mentality than anything else. thats why I feel the need to learn this at a semi-young age, that way by the time im in my early 20's id be able to accomplish what I set my mind to. I mean im pretty ambitious and by me saying im going to do something I wont accept anything besides that. thanks for the advice though, honestly I apreciate it.

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Guest TintsOvOz
the names circus. im 18 and ive always wanted to pick up window tinting. ive so far bought myself a red turbo, olfa silver (with lock), spare blades, gold teflon card, white and black teflon cards, simple green spray, fine wool, shop towels. im pretty set on learning the trade of window tinting and opening up my own shop. if you guys can offer me any advice, tips or just general tint knowledge you can aim me at "circuscircusss"

thanks & peace,



:lol Welcome Cir!! :lol

Get some skills with a pro I.e. help out a shop, get a job with a shop for a while, to see if ya like, or find some one willing to give ya a chance at a traineeship???(traineeships available in oz, not sure in US???)

Oz............ :lol

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