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Ten months ago...

Guest LukeNukem

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Guest LukeNukem

10 months ago I was here asking basic questions about tint and planning how to transition from a paint shop to tinting. Well, now I have a van loaded with tint, all the tools, and am totally set up. About a month ago I started banging on doors and bidding waterfront homes and Holy Moly!! I've been selling the stuff like a madman. Just by eating out and hitting up resturant owners I've been knocking out resturants too. What a gig! I used to sell window remodels and was, at one time, a sales trainer so this stuff is a no brainer to sell. Now I'm not even advertising because I have to move this summer to where ever my fiance decides to go to law school, but I'm taking this biz with me for damn sure. My plan is coming together like clockwork!

I'll be around chatting and picking up tips,



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Congrats on the success. Yea, it is a great product to sell and it sounds like you got the ability to sell, but.... Who is doing the installs? Are you doing the installs after 10 months of reading and research? or do you have a professional installer. And when you drive your van off to the next town and your customer has a problem with the glass or film, who do they talk to :uh

In these parts there are a lot of greasy sales men that can sell the film and quickly throw up the cheapest film, then move on. Meanwhile the film looks horrible, people think thats what all solar film looks like. And when the film starts to turn, or the glass cracks on crisp fall morning and there is no one to answer questions, the whole industry get a bad rep. Everyone but the greasy salesmen looses. Not saying you run a similar operation, Luke, but make sure you put out quality and look after your customers! Good luck.. :uh

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Guest LukeNukem

I'm not doing the town-to-town thing, Here in Puget Sound everything is waterfront. I do the installs myself. Worked a little with the sungard rep to get some knowhow, but for the most part, it's like anything, learn a little, go a lot. I've stocked up on sig35 and silver35. I'm doing a resturant in a few days that has a real heat problem on the waterfront side. Because they'll likely take my recommendation, I'm debating whether to suggest silver 15 over the 35. What's your input?

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I'm not doing the town-to-town thing,  Here in Puget Sound everything is waterfront.  I do the installs myself.  Worked a little with the sungard rep to get some knowhow, but for the most part, it's like anything, learn a little, go a lot.  I've stocked up on sig35 and silver35.  I'm doing a resturant in a few days that has a real heat problem on the waterfront side.  Because they'll likely take my recommendation, I'm debating whether to suggest silver 15 over the 35.  What's your input?


Silver 15 or 35? :wall If they want blue windows during the day, and a mirror at night, reducing the view. Might be fine on a little dinner, but I know there are some high end restaraunts on the water in your area... It'd be a shame to put that stuff up there...

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