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Dry Shrink Learning Curve

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a peice of advice...stay away from the dryer sheets...bad for your health. Start out with baby powder and work yourself to Mdog's ivory soap method ...or just jump right to the soap method altogether :bling

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Guest thetintshop

I still dry shrink with baby powder. the soap is too much like wet imo. it took me a couple hours to learn how to do it. took me about 2 years to "perfect" it.

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I had it down after about 3 cars too :bling:beer

The first time it looked lke I open a bag of flour on myself :beer I left it for about 3 months till I got over the self humiliation of that .

2nd time wasn't too bad...3 rd and thereafter ...no problemo :bling

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for me dry shrinking ws natural. its way easier than wet shrinking. I started off with baby powder and it took me a hand ful of cars to understand what to do. when I switched to dryer sheets/soap it was even easier and since I had been messing around with powder it was natural transition.

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Guest tint rookie

usuall when I dryshrink (only when I have to) I forcrce it to throw fingers @ the top three inches and smack en down like it was wet. im also guilty of lifting the top edge and adding h20 to help my technique.

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