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Guest swanny

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Was thinking of adding windshield repair to my company for a little extra fill in.

1st ?

Schools were and how much?

Price of tools cheapest to most expencive?

What tools are worth it with out over paying?

Were to get tools for the job?

Whats the average charge to fix a windshield?

Greatly appreciate the information you all have provided on this web site it has helped me a tone. :thumb

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Guest thetintshop

it's a shiat job. not worth it my opinion.

customers think it's a "magic" solution and it makes it unnoticeable. so you end up with unhappy customers because they don't understand.

I bought my system for around $1200, I think, back in 97. haven't touched it in over a year. not worth messing with in my opinon. but, I do auto glass replacement. so repairs are not exactly my top priority.

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