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im pissed off

Guest areyouthetintguy?

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Guest areyouthetintguy?

was called to estimate local commercial job for diner reopening,,,gave my usual presentation.owner seemed cool,650 sqaure feet,,told him 2500 dollars,,he said why so high?..explained alot of work,,windows were full of grease and such,,he said ok do it ,,,, he acted like we were friends for ever,,want it done right away because grand opening is in 5 days,,I said no problem,,,he told me come back next day for deposit and also which film he decides to choose,,well I show up today and there is someone doing the job ,,,I am piseed off big time,,,he could have at least called me and told me he decided to go with someone else,,he wasnt there when I stormed in the diner,,or maybe he was hiding...I hate phony people,,

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