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ever have one of those days?

Guest thetintshop

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Guest thetintshop

I would quit. but if I quit, I would have to turn my resignation in to myself. then myself would have to find another guy to replace me so I could go out and find another job that would allow myself to stay here and watch over the new guy myself hired. but myself would have to hire me so I could show the new guy how to tint as good as me so it would please myself so myself wouldn't have to close my business down. cause I want the income I would make from another job to go along with the income myself would make so I could combine the two for a fatter bottom line at the end of the yearon my taxes. or myself's taxes, whichever would be the lesser of the two.

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Guest powertints

I think we have all had those days, weeks, and sometimes in the winter, those months. Hang in there, it always works out. :lol

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